Allied Health for Wellness acknowledge the natural and valuable aspects of human diversity including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive variations that influence the way people think and process information.

Allied Health for Wellness provide a safe and supportive environment where neurodivergent individuals can explore their interests, talents, and career aspirations. We understand that not all career paths align with individual neurodivergent strengths, and we work with our clients to identify alternative options that capitalise on their unique abilities.

Our highly qualified Rehabilitation Counsellor has almost 20 years experience as a Professional Career Development Practitioner, has lived experience with ADHD individuals and has undertaken specialised ADHD and Autism training to not only support neurodivergent individuals but also provide the necessary guidance and training to employers in order to create a more inclusive and accommodating work environment.

Neuro-Affirming Career Assessment $450


  • Assessment tools, administration and analysis
  • Career counselling session (1 hour)
  • Follow-up consultation for discussion of results (30 min)
  • Email summary of recommendations

Our career assessment is designed to provide valuable insights into an individual’s strengths, interests, and aptitudes. We use a variety of assessment tools to gain a holistic understanding of the individual’s profile and how it can be leveraged for career success. These assessments serve as a foundation for personalised career recommendations and strategies specifically catering for neurodivergent individuals.

Neuro-Affirming Career Counselling $160 per consultation (50 min)

Following assessment, we recommend additional career counselling which provides further guidance and support in setting career goals, developing effective job search strategies, and enhancing skills such as self-advocacy, interview preparation, and workplace communication. Through our coaching, we empower neurodivergent individuals to navigate the career landscape with confidence and resilience.

The above services can be delivered either face-to-face in our office or over video conference.

We are dedicated to helping our clients discover meaningful careers that align with their strengths and aspirations while fostering a greater appreciation for neurodiversity in society.

Our staff can provide additional support both at home with our ADHD Coaching and even in the workplace through our Organisational Consultancy service.

Take a look at our range of services below or contact our Cockburn office today and experience our difference!

By undergoing our assessment, this may assist to simplify and accelerate the process towards obtaining a formal diagnosis.
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Designed to help you understand your strengths and find effective strategies to thrive in various aspects of your life.
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Helping organisations embrace neurodiversity and create inclusive environments that empower all employees to thrive.
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Get in touch to arrange a discovery call


Need affordable psychology services and don’t want to wait?
Ask your GP for a mental health care plan referral today!

*Medicare and private health rebates where eligible. GAP fee applies